
  • Tips to keep your kitchen clean

    18 September 2011

    Cleaning the kitchen is part of cooking. Not only it is easier to cook and bake in a clean kitchen, but clean surfaces and storage containers will also keep your family healthy and safe.

    Cleaning a kitchen requires just small amount of patience and attention. This is because the kitchen is the food factory of the house. It is where it's stored, cooked and eaten. It is also one of the rooms in the house with lots of traffic, which means a lot more cleaning. Make cleaning second nature and you'll save time and money. Here are  some  easy tips to clean your kitchen.

    1.Each item in the kitchen shouls have a proper place. This way items are easy to find. Don't forget to put the things back at their specified location after every use.For eg I have a separate drawer for aluminium foil.

    2.Evey night make it a habit to clean the kitchen when you end up with day's work.Regular cleaning reduces clean work and you end up with a clean sparkling kitchen.

    3.To clean sluggish drains, pour ½ cup baking soda down the drain. Add ½ cup white    vinegar and cover the drain.Leave it for few minutes and pour boiling water down the drain to flush it.

    4. Clean up the spills as soon as they occur.This will avoid huge cleaning work later on.

    5.Make a habit of cleaning the refrigerator after every 7-10 days. Empty the entire food stuff and wipe with mild warm soap water.Keep an open baking powder in refrigerator to avoid any odour.

    6. Make a habit of cleaning all the drawers and shelves in the kitchen atleast once every 15 days. This will keep everything well arranged as well as clean.

    Pottery Market, online pottery shop believes in sparkling beautiful kitchen . So decorate your kitchen with kitchen pottery.

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