Press Release

  • Terrorism

    22 June 2017

    Is terrorism only about attacks by group of staunch muslims on the name of Jehad?
    Does it not considers the attack by a sensitive citizen ‌in front of a mosque, this was a revengeful counterattack. Common man get the feeling that Muslims are causing this terror attack. They are responsible for the terrorism. However this is not the truth. They are equal sufferes of this terrorism. They are fighting dual war. They are subject to terror attacks as well as revengeful attacks by general public.
    Is revengeful attack not a terrorism on innocent muslims, those musllims were ignorant about any such attack near the worship place.
    Any such activity which harms one or group of people of same community or different keeping in mind the act of spreading terror is called terrorism.
    Even though entire world is criticizing it and suffering from it, still we could not come up with an idea to tackle it yet.All the countries should take bold decision to tackle it and make this earth free from terrorism.
    Every other day we read in newspaper about terrorist attack in one city or the other. These attacks are getting common day  by day taking life of thousands of innocents, leaving behind their grieved family and friends. There is no solution to this endless massacre of innocent people, that too with no reason and cause. Countries are spending more than half of their money for maintaining an army to tackle terrorism, still its causing great havoc.These attacks are usually at the crowded places and impacts great lot of peolple.  Dealing such attacks, whatever big is the preparation, always costs lots of lifes and goods.
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